HOMEnewsSyncMOF's Achievements Featured in the Asahi Shimbun's "be"


SyncMOF’s Achievements Featured in the Asahi Shimbun’s “be”

SyncMOF’s accomplishments to date and future prospects were featured prominently on the front page and page 3 of the Asahi Shimbun’s “be” newspaper.
The article compactly summarized the background, struggles, and decisions leading up to the start-up of the company, SyncMOF’s strengths, and unique initiatives with companies. For more information on the article, please click here.

We hope this article will bring a ray of hope to young people who aspire to entrepreneurship and science, and to those who are struggling with life transitions.

We at SyncMOF will continue to develop advanced technologies and promote social implementation of MOF in order to contribute to society. We look forward to your continued support and expectation.